How to Deal with a Dog That Won’t Stop Crying and Whining for What They Want: Understanding the Reasons and Effective Strategies for Managing this Behavior

The post aims to provide dog parents with an understanding of the reasons why their dog may be excessively crying and whining for things they want and to offer effective strategies for managing this behavior.

As much as we love our furry friends, their constant whining and crying can be incredibly frustrating. Whether it’s because they want food, attention, or just to go outside, this behavior can be difficult to deal with. But why do dogs behave this way, and what can we do to manage it? In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this behavior and offer some effective strategies for dealing with it.

Understanding the Reasons

There are several reasons why your dog may be constantly crying and whining:

1. Attention-seeking behavior: Dogs often whine and cry when they want attention. They may be feeling bored, lonely, or simply want to be close to their owners.

2. Hunger: If your dog’s whining is accompanied by pacing and circling around the kitchen, they may be trying to tell you that they are hungry.

3. Discomfort: Dogs may cry and whine when they are in pain or feeling uncomfortable. They may have an injury or illness that needs attention.

4. Fear or anxiety: If your dog is feeling anxious or fearful, they may whine and cry as a way of seeking reassurance or comfort.

Effective Strategies for Managing the Behavior

Now that we understand the reasons behind this behavior, let’s take a look at some effective strategies for managing it:

1. Be consistent with training: Consistency is key when it comes to training your dog. If you give in to your dog’s whining and crying, they will learn that this behavior is effective and will continue to do it.

2. Provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation: Dogs that are bored or under-stimulated are more likely to whine and cry for attention. Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep them occupied.

3. Create a calm environment: If your dog is feeling anxious or fearful, creating a calm and comfortable environment can help to soothe them. This may involve providing a cozy den-like space for them to retreat to, playing calming music, or using pheromone sprays or diffusers.

4. Address underlying medical issues: If your dog’s crying and whining is due to an underlying medical issue, it’s important to address this as soon as possible. Take your dog to the vet to rule out any potential health problems.

5. Ignore attention-seeking behavior: If your dog is whining and crying for attention, it’s important to ignore this behavior. Giving in to your dog’s demands will only reinforce the behavior and make it worse.


Dealing with a dog that won’t stop crying and whining can be incredibly challenging, but with the right strategies, it is possible to manage this behavior effectively. By understanding the reasons behind your dog’s behavior and taking steps to address it, you can create a happier, calmer home environment for both you and your furry friend.

If you have any concerns about your dog’s behavior, or if you need further advice on how to manage their crying and whining, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our website. Our team of experts is here to help and support you in any way we can.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why does my dog cry and whine for what they want?

Dogs use crying and whining as a means of communication. They may do this to express their desires, needs, or emotions. In some cases, dogs may also whine due to anxiety or fear.

What should I do when my dog won’t stop crying and whining?

The first step is to try and identify the cause of the behavior. Is your dog trying to communicate a need or desire? Is there something that is making them anxious or fearful? Once you have identified the cause, you can work on addressing it. This may involve providing your dog with what they need or want or helping them feel more comfortable in the situation.

How can I teach my dog to stop crying and whining?

It’s important to remember that crying and whining are natural behaviors for dogs, and it may be difficult to completely eliminate them. However, you can work on teaching your dog alternative behaviors, such as sitting or staying quiet, to get what they want. This can be done through positive reinforcement training and rewarding your dog for the desired behavior.

Can crying and whining be a sign of a medical issue?

Yes, in some cases, crying and whining can be a sign of a medical issue such as pain or discomfort. If your dog’s crying and whining seem excessive or out of the ordinary, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential medical issues.

Should I ever give in to my dog’s crying and whining?

While it may be tempting to give in to your dog’s crying and whining, it’s important to remember that doing so can reinforce the behavior. Instead, try to address the underlying cause of the behavior and work on teaching your dog alternative behaviors.

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